Living the dream

A highland existence interspersed with regular travels and running a charity in Nepal

Grand Canyon, Colorado River - Nov 29 - Dec 14 2009

Gained a private launch permit for Grand Canyon. Made up a team of 10 folks and headed for Flagstaff for the Nov 29th launch. Logistics from PRO. Team was: Chris, Callum, Stephen, Phil, Larry, Doug, Tim, Kevin, Oleg and Olga. Trip planned for 16 days and 236 miles.

Doug and I drove down from Seattle over two long days. Here at Cedar Breaks, Utah

Pre-trip dinner at a cantina in Flagstaff, Arizona. L to R, Olga, Oleg, Callum, Doug, Larry, Tim Stephen, Chris, Phil, Kevin.
Callum on the South Rim of Grand Canyon, before the trip

Olga and Oleg on their catamaran beneath the Navajo Bridge

Chris roping down into Silver Grotto

Chris rowing his Sotar 18 foot self bailing gear boat.

Another side canyon, Callum holding up the chockstone!!

The incredible Redwall Cavern
The canyon opens out again after Redwall

Tim at the granaries at Nankoweap

Oleg catches some rays in Vishnu Creek

Olga hotdogging at Phantom where the only footbridges cross the river

Chris runs Horn Creek Rapid

Tim rides high in Granite rapid.

Elves Chasm

Callum somersaults into Elves Chasm!!

Chris working through the narrows in Matkatamiba Canyon

Crazy potholes full of crazy people

Snow blanketing the upper slopes

Deer Creek, approaching the patio

Kevin rowing through Deubendorf

The delightful Creek at Havasu

The catamaran heads into Lava Falls

Chris entering the top of Lava Falls

Tim swims out of Lava with Callum in attendance

Callum enjoying a Lava Falls run

Flipping Kevin's raft back after his upset in Lava Falls

Pumpkin Springs, our last camp and lay over day spot.

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