Living the dream

A highland existence interspersed with regular travels and running a charity in Nepal

Spean Gorge Good Friday 2012

Nice solo paddle down Spean Gorge after lunch on Good Friday. Slight increase in flows overnight after snow started to melt. The new trees jammed at left bend after Fairy Steps make for quite a potential sieve if a swimmer were pinned there. Worth being cautious when flows are above low and if in doubt inspect first. Even a swimmer could swim by if they knew ahead about the hazard, but if a swimmer got caught here it would be difficult to deal with....beware.

Oddly at the time I went through I saw no-one paddling, despite huge numbers in the area.
There were however a group of about 6 paddlers lowering three boats down towards the pool below the constriction....a rather strange entry point and activity. Their cars were all parked miles above on the road. :-) Interesting way of passing Good Friday.

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