Living the dream

A highland existence interspersed with regular travels and running a charity in Nepal

Rio Muluaute, Ecuador

Exciting to paddle Muluaute River. rarely paddled and very fine.

Milbert drove us over the mountain to the put in and..................

............ a landslide had that morning taken out the road.

........... so we carried our craft across and negotiated a ride on the local milk truck for $10.

Catching some rays whilst we wait for the truck to leave.

All loladed up, paddler, kayak and catamaran.

Milk truck crew see us off at the put in.

Staright into wonderful white water.

The Muluaute Gorge is a pristine place. This may change. A road is being driven up into this region which may well make the river much more accessible.

A world class one day run. Grade 4.

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