Living the dream

A highland existence interspersed with regular travels and running a charity in Nepal

Rio Otongo, Ecuador

Stayed with old friend Cody Evans, paddling here with another Ecuadorean friend, Herman Pasternak.

Enjoying a run on their local river, the beautiful Otongo River.

Starting out at the put in for the Upper Otongo with Olga and Oleg.

A wonderful section of steep boulder rapids.

The final complex rapid where the Upper Otongo meets the Rio Cristal.

Russians love to hang from lianas!

Heading into main section on Otongo.

Making a hard cut to the left amidst huge boulders......

Cody running the lower Otongo.

.....and busting through a rapid........

Ricardo Alzamora.

.....and a great late lunch at the Parillada afterwards!!! :-)

But Oleg is still hungry!!!

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